Sunday, December 28, 2014

Feather Anklet

I found inspiration for this from an etsy "barefoot sandal," which don't get me started on the whole barefoot sandal thing.

It is part of my #CraftingForCoachella movement.  I cant give pictures of every step by step, but it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. ;) 

crafting rope (or leather cord)
premade bracelet (or make your own, which I suggest just for easier knots)
thin flexible wire
optional beads and feathers


I bought a premade bracelet from the craft store because it was pretty and went with my color scheme.  However, it came attached to super thin threadlike strings, which I wasn't aware of when I bought it.  Anyways, to make it an ankle bracelet I could slip over my foot, I made one of those knots where you can adjust the length of the bracelet.  I'm more of a random loops and twists knot making type of girl, so I used this tutorial to show me how to tie that specific knot:

I had leather cord on hand and used that to make the sliding knot.  I just tied the ends of my thin string around the excess cord to keep them from sliding out if stretched too far.

Once my bracelet was ready, I attached my rope using thin wire. (I practiced tying rope up my leg to find a good length, then cut it from the spool of rope).  There are many ways this could have been made better, but sometimes I just do what is fast, simple, and on hand. Ideally the bracelet would have been on a thicker rope which would be the same material used for the sliding knot which would also have been tied around the long rope that ties up the leg.

I tied several random plain old knots the length of the rope just to give it a little extra texture.  Once my rope was attached to the bracelet, I wrapped it up my leg and made a bow tie on the side.  I then attached a few beads in random places using some thin wire (had my rope been thinner or bead openings bigger, I would have just put the rope through the beads).

Now time to attach the feathers on the excess rope from the bow knot.  Now, some feathers come with handy loops attached, while others don't. 

So I just wrapped some wire around the bottom of the feather (that green thing on the blue feather in the pic) and then wrapped the end of that wire into the rope to attach. And that's it!

You can wear with thin sandals like the ones I have on, or add an extra piece of rope to tie around your toes. Just try and avoid ringworm if you decide to walk around barefoot everywhere ;b

Adrienne J

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